F&P myAIRVO 2 High Flow Humidification

The respiratory system is a highly balanced mechanism reliant on humidity. There are significant clinical benefits for patients who use temperature and humidity in any assisted breathing device.

The F&P myAIRVO 2 is the in-home version of the AIRVO used in hospital. The device is designed to mimic the natural physiological balance in the airway by providing high flow humidification to the respiratory tract. This includes patient who have had the upper airway bypassed.

Three Benefits of Humidification

1. Assists the natural defence mechanisms in the airway

2. Promotes efficient gas exchange and ventilation

3. Increases comfort and tolerance to treatment

The myAIRVO 2 has the ability to deliver up to 37 degrees Celsius & 100% relative humidity simultaneously. This is the optimum environment needed for our body to effectively clear secretions from our lungs and at the same time, re-hydrate our airway.

The High Flow component helps reduce the strain of breathing and ensures maximum clearance ability when delivering the humidified air. This is particularly important for patients suffering from disorders such as respiratory failure, asthma, COPD, pneumonia or even for those using supplemental oxygen.

Who will benefit?

This device can be an absolute game changer for patients suffering from any type of respiratory condition or who need supplemental oxygen.

Specifically, those who suffer from respiratory disorders such as COPD, Cystic Fibrosis, Bronchiectasis, Pulmonary fibrosis, Asthma, Asbestosis and Lung cancer can benefit from this treatment from children to adults.

If you have ever been admitted to hospital due to a sudden worsening of symptoms including shortness of breath and an overwhelming increase in the quantity of phlegm, the chances are that you have already used an Airvo.

See the F&P myAirvo 2 Key Features for more information

The myAIRVO 2 can help relieve:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Dry irritable cough
  • Inability to clear secretions
  • Frequent chest infections
  • Frequent hospital re-admissions
  • Frequent nose bleeds (especially for patients on supplemental oxygen)



The F&P myAirvo 2 is available for purchase and hire.

Due to the nature of this product, purchase and setup must be completed in store or via a Telehealth consult with one of our clinicians.



1. Fill the chamber with distilled water and lock into place.

2. Connect the AirSpiral heated breathing tube to the device.

3. Connect oxygen supply (if required).

4. Press and hold the power button to turn the device on and wait for the 'tick' icon to show after the warm up cycle.

5. The mode button looks like a triangular play arrow (fourth button on the left-hand-side). Pressing this will toggle between temperature, flow, day/night mode and the compliance hour meter.

6. Use the up and down buttons to control the temperature and flow settings as required.

7. Put on the nasal cannula or mask, press the ON button (large button across the top) and breathe normally

*Information presented does not replace the User Instructions supplied with F&P Healthcare products. Refer to the F&P myAIRVO 2 User Instructions for further information.

After using the device, press and hold the ON button to turn off. The machine will then go into a 99 minute drying cycle that will also disinfect the tubing circuit. It is important not to turn the device off at the wall during this cycle.


There are a series of consumables for the myAirvo 2 that must be replaced regularly to avoid the risk of infection.

Parts should be replaced immediately if they are damaged or discoloured; otherwise they must be replaced within the periods shown in the following table.

For more info, see page 18 of F&P myAIRVO2 User Guide.

Maximum period of use before replacement


1 Week

Optiflow JUNIOR Interfaces

e.g. Nasal Cannula - Infant or Paediatric

1 Month

All other interfaces

e.g. F&P Optiflow Nasal Cannula

2 Months

F&P AirSpiral Heated Tube (900PT560E)

3 Months

F&P myAIRVO Air Filter (900PT913)


Please click on the relevant link below to download the F&P myAIRVO 2 simulation app on your Apple or Android device

This product may not be right for you. Read the instructions for use before purchase. Always follow directions for use. The F&P myAirvo 2 device supplied by cpap.com.au is a humidifier with integrated flow source that delivers high flows of air/oxygen mixtures to spontaneously breathing patients, through a variety of interfaces up to 60 L/min that is prescribed by a physician or healthcare professional. Seek advice from your healthcare professional as to whether this product is suitable for your condition.